Leading in Employment and Labour

Josep Hallado has been a member of the Barcelona Bar Association since April 1991.
Josep has extensive professional experience. He held the role of Director of Employment Relations and Social Policies of the PIMEC (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of Catalonia) Business Confederation, was a Board member of the Employment Relations Council of Catalonia, and a member of the latter’s Collective Bargaining Agreements, Occupational Health and Safety and Labour and Social Security Inspection Committees.
In addition, he worked as a mediator and arbitrator for the Catalonia Employment Courts, and as Head of the Executive Committee of the Economic and Social Work Council of Catalonia, as well as the Employment Market and Social and Sectoral Policy Committees thereof.
Josep is the author of several articles on labour law matters, and a regular speaker at different specialised forums and training programmes related to the field of labour law and social security.