
Leading in Employment and Labour


Gonzalo Mairata Corominas

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He joined Sagardoy Abogados as a partner in May 2024. Gonzalo has an extensive professional career, with more than twelve years of experience as a State lawyer, occupying responsibilities such as head of the Social Department of the State Attorney General’s Office or the direction of the State Legal Service, with functions of labor legal advice to all entities and companies of the state public sector, including the defense of the same before all bodies of the social jurisdiction, especially before the Social Chamber of the National Court.

Member of the Advisory Board of the Labor Law Section of ICAM.

In addition to his professional experience, Gonzalo Mairata has shared his academic knowledge through numerous lectures on labor matters and has been a professional tutor for internships in the Law Degree at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.

Awards and recommendationsicon-plus

In 2022, he was distinguished with the Distinguished Cross of First Class of the Order of San Raimundo de Peñafort.